We are currently looking for individuals who are interested in joining our Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting in November. Please see the Opportunities page for more details.

Board of Directors
Environment Lethbridge is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from its membership. The Board is responsible for the governance of the organization and setting the overall direction of Environment Lethbridge.
Chair: Chris Harvey
Vice Chair: Alexis Buzzee-Cameron
Treasurer: Rebeca Spencer
Secretary: Rene Plazier
Directors: Kansie Fox, Hannah Lee, Sampath Walgama

Executive Director
Kathleen Sheppard joined Environment Lethbridge as Executive Director in November of 2015. Originally from southern Alberta, Kathleen has more than 25 years experience working for non-profit organizations in BC and Alberta. Prior to coming to Environment Lethbridge, she was the Executive Director for Social Planning Cowichan, located in Duncan, BC. Her previous experience includes work in land conservation, wildlife rescue, wilderness protection and environmental sustainability.