The businesses and not-for-profits that participated in our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program in 2019-2020 are making great strides to improve their energy saving, water conservation and waste reduction practices.

Interested in how your business or institution can be more sustainable? Check out our Sustainability For Your Organization Guide and click here to find out more about the Sustainable Business Certification!


AlpenlandAlpenland is committed to being a sustainable business for the betterment of the environment and their business. A high efficiency furnace keeps them warm as the temperatures outside drop, and their windows and doors are properly sealed to keep the heat, and the hot wax smell, in. The staff demonstrate excellent “turn-off” behaviour with lights and electronics and save energy by using exterior lights on motion sensors. In addition to saving energy, Alpenland also minimizes their already low water use and waste output by outsourcing their laundry, providing a cooler for staff and clients, and adhering to their recycling program of cardboard, plastic, paper and returnables. Alpenland is as committed to sustainability as they are to powder skiing, so of course they agreed to display stickers in their bathrooms to prompt customers to turn off the taps, and they have pushed for their vendors to use less packaging as well! To top all their hard work off, Alpenland plans to make the change to LEDs in the basement this summer! Through their participation in the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program, they moved up from a Gold Level to a Platinum Level Sustainable Business. Way to go Alpenland Ski and Sports!


Bridge Bud Supply


Bridge Bud Supply is smoking the competition when it comes to sustainability! Their staff has excellent “turn off” behaviour and recycles everything from returnables and cardboard to their product packaging. They conserve energy with LEDs, sealed windows, which have a reflective film, and having a smartphone programmable thermostat. Their building utilizes an efficient water heater, furnace, and faucets with prompt stickers to save water as well! All this has earned them a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification. Good work Bridge Bud Supply!



Bridge Pizza uses compostable cutlery and clamshells for their salads, they are impeccable at turning off lights and electronics when not in use, they use recycled paper towel and napkins, and they have recently replaced their faucets with low-flow fixtures. Congratulations to Bridge Pizza for achieving a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification!



Canadian Yoga Institute

The staff at The Canadian Yoga Institute have shown they are inflexible when it comes to sustainable operations, earning a Sustainable Super Star Certification! They put in a lot of effort to be as sustainable as possible and it really shows. The staff use alternative methods of transportation when applicable, they control their temperature within the building with a smart thermostat and sealed windows with tint, and maintain their appliances regularly. Almost everything they use is either re-used or recycled and they donate their cardboard boxes to Roost 2 Roost for reuse for moving. To save even more energy they have energy efficient appliances, use natural light, abide by a cold water laundry policy, and do not buy items with excessive packaging. They have re-insulated the gaps in their building, buy sustainable items, and use eco detergent for their dishes and laundry. To say the Canadian Yoga Institute goes above and beyond to be sustainable is an understatement! Their Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification is well-earned. They can really sit back and relax knowing they’re doing their best!



Crossroads Healing CentreCrossroads Healing Centre has focused on being more efficient by re-sealing their windows, which have light blocking shades, having their exterior lights on a timer, and following excellent turn-off behaviour. On top of all that they have a recycling program for cardboard and paper. Crossroads has a very low waste output with only one bag of garbage weekly and uses PEFC certified sustainably harvested forest paper towel. The healing centre also provides a water cooler for staff and clients and buys all their supplies locally. Crossroads has earned themselves a Bronze Level Sustainable Business Certification through our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program!



Desk N’ File is doing a great job when it comes to sustainably operating their business. From turn-off behaviour to recycling, they are really putting in a strong effort. The staff have been switching their light fixtures to LED, refrain from making purchases with excess packaging, and recycle items such as cardboard and plastic. They even recycle or reuse their cedar pallets to Everything Cedar! All this has earned them a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification.



Geomatic Attic and Mike Spencer Geometrics are heavy hitters when it comes to sustainability. From installing solar panels and energy efficient appliances to sealing up their bay doors and windows to keep the drafts down, this business is really going above and beyond to save energy. In addition to energy saving, they have very little waste output due to their extensive recycling program which includes cardboard, glass, paper, tin, plastic and returnables. Geomatic also takes all their organics home for composting! Environment Lethbridge worked with them to take them the extra mile towards being more sustainable, earning them a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification through our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program!



The Gym In The North is leading the competition when it comes to sustainable gyms! Let’s start by highlighting the fact that they recycled all of the cardboard packaging from their machines and equipment which weighed over 100,000 lbs! How is that for a PR? The staff recycle virtually everything, they have switched to re-usable cloths from disposable wipes, resealed their doors and windows (which have a shading film on them), and utilize refill stations to encourage members to bring their own bottles. Gym In The North also has LED lights and low flow toilets and fixtures in their building helping them step up to the top of the podium of sustainable businesses with a Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification!



 Jaded Body ArtsJaded Body Arts is well on their way to mastering of the art of energy efficiency. They practice great turn-off behaviour, preventative maintenance, and the mindful use of supplies. Their building has a new roof and light blocking shades on the windows to keep the sun’s heat out and help regulate temperature. When the artists are not using their tattoo guns, they shut down and use no power, saving energy. The staff at Jaded reduce their waste by recycling cardboard, paper, and returnables. Environment Lethbridge helped Jaded Body Arts to take their relationship with sustainability to the next level through our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program, earning them a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification.



Jonny Bean

Jonny Bean Coffee is a leader in sustainability! They have installed new energy-efficient windows with reflective window film, energy efficient electronics and appliances and all LED lights. They have implemented an extensive recycling program, avoid single-use plastics when possible, compost their organic waste, and source as much as possible locally. Congratulations to Jonny Bean Coffee on achieving a Platinum Level Sustainable Business Certification!



Mocha CabanaMocha Cabana has really outdone itself! As an already environmentally conscious business, Mocha Cabana was happy to take part in our program and get some new ideas. 

Mocha Cabana has an impressive amount of energy efficient equipment in their restaurant including a boiler/ water heating tank combo. This cuts down on the energy used to continually heat the water when it is needed. Along with the boiler, there is new electrical, a new cooler, new front windows with light-blocking shades, tinted skylights in the 5 year old roof, a programmable thermostat, as well as LED lights throughout the restaurant and outside. The exterior lights are on a photocell timer so they only come on in the evening – which saves even more energy. If that seems like a lot to have on their plate, Mocha Cabana also performs monthly maintenance on kitchen equipment and water fixtures to ensure efficiency!

Mocha Cabana has a taste for recycling as well! They reuse packaging and recycle bottles, cardboard, and plastics. Have you heard about Mocha Local? It’s Mocha Cabana’s very own meal kit service and online farmer’s market, and everything is sourced locally! Sourcing locally cuts down on transportation emissions and costs as well as supports other local businesses to help them reach their full potential. Mocha Cabana focuses on reduced packaging for Mocha Local, and from its suppliers, sourcing compostable packaging materials whenever possible, even if it means ordering individual items from specific companies or paying a bit more. 

One more course of action Mocha Cabana takes to reduce their carbon footprint is green routed delivery to distribute their Mocha Local meal kits and farmers market items, essentially meaning the delivery route is planned in the most efficient way possible to cut back on emissions and minimize any idling of the delivery vehicle. Mocha Local goes the extra mile and allows customers to leave their packaging from the previous week out for the delivery driver to pick up and make sure everything is either reused, recycled or composted. All this has earned them a Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification!



Naturistas is going above and beyond to reduce waste. They have a blending bar where customers can mix their own scents for various products and refill their own containers. The staff donate cardboard boxes to Roost 2 Roost for moving, and send any packing peanuts they receive to UPS for reuse. They make notepads from used paper, use old invoices for printing, and any plastic zipper bags they receive get sent to a local farmer for soil testing. Naturistas has a take a bag leave a bag system, and donates space for Boomerang Bags YQL to make reusable bags. They also sealed up their back door to improve the energy efficiency of the building! Congratulations to Naturistas on earning a Platinum Level Sustainable Business Certification!



Peak Physical Therapy is in good shape when it comes to operating in a sustainable way! They have recently invested in some larger ticket items that are helping them save money and energy, such as an energy efficient hot water booster and new energy efficient windows throughout the building. Don’t forget their two newly upgraded bathrooms that include low flow toilets and faucets. The staff at Peak PT recycle virtually everything applicable, buy in bulk to avoid excess packaging and take alternative transportation to work. With their programmable thermostats, perforated window film, and motion sensor lights, it’s safe to say Peak PT is really a heavy hitter when it comes to sustainable businesses! Congratulations Peak Physical Therapy on moving up from a Gold Level to a Platinum Level Sustainable Business through the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program!



Purple Carrot

Sustainability is in almost everything Cris and Cathy from Purple Carrot Health Foods and Wellness Inc. do! At Purple Carrot you can refill an array of items from shampoo to kombucha to olive oil to dishwasher tablets. They encourage you to reuse items, compost, or recycle – if you can’t recycle at your own home you’re welcome to bring those items to the store. They have recently started a program with Terracycle, to recycle some items that are not normally accepted for recycling in Lethbridge.

They have recently installed a reflective film on their front window and replaced lighting fixtures with LED which will help to reduce their health food store’s temperature and energy bill. Purple Carrot also requests less packaging from their suppliers to reduce their waste production, and take staff’s organic waste home to compost! Congratulations Purple Carrot on achieving a Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification!


Round Table Board GamerieRound Table Board Gamerie is well on its way to becoming a sustainable business with their extensive recycling program. The staff recycle everything they can including cardboard, tin, paper, plastic, glass, and returnables. The board gamerie sources recyclable to-go containers and discourages the use of straws. Their building has multiple LED lights, timers on the exterior lighting, and properly sealed windows and doors. Round Table agreed to work with Environment Lethbridge to become more efficient, and has achieved a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification through our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program!



Runners SoulRunner’s Soul is running the show when it comes to energy efficiency. As well as good staff turn-off and temperature control behaviour, they also have replaced all of their lights with LEDs. As part of their waste reduction program, they request that vendors use less packaging on products and shipping. Anything they cannot reduce, they recycle. When hosting events, Runner’s Soul provides a water cooler for their staff and event participants. Environment Lethbridge worked with Runner’s Soul to help them achieve a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification through the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program!



Sonder Coffee Bar is really going above and beyond when it comes to sustainable operations. They have a keep-cup program, they use spoons instead of stir sticks, and they make their own alternative milk and store it all in reused containers, re-using the pulp in their baking! The staff recycles everything possible from cardboard to tin cans and plastics, and compost their coffee grounds. Soon, Sonder will have recyclable coffee containers and hand dryers in their washrooms. Also, in case you’ve been to Sonder but didn’t realize, all of their wooden tables and shelves are made from reclaimed wood! It is safe to say Sonder has really raised the (coffee) bar! Environment Lethbridge worked with Sonder Coffee Bar to help them find even more ways to become more energy efficient and move up from a Gold Level to a Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification through our Small Business Energy Efficiency Program.



The Southern Alberta Art Gallery is in the process of switching out all their lights to LED, and they recycle almost everything. They reuse any of the exhibit materials they can, and they use second hand materials for art classes, and bamboo spoons. They have low-flow toilets and faucets with motion sensors, and occupancy sensors for the washroom lights. They are planning extensive building upgrades in the future, which will include making the building as energy efficient as possible. Through the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program, they have earned themselves a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification!



Soutminster United ChurchSouthminster United Church has recently installed high-efficiency A/C units in their offices, and low-flow toilets and faucets in the newly renovated washrooms. They have water fountains to refill bottles and use reusable plates whenever possible for smaller events. All of this has earned them a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification!



The team at The Stoketown Cafe + Cure is really taking their commitment to sustainability above and beyond! Annual appliance and building maintenance, HVAC upgrades, new windows, LED lights, and a programmable thermostat all ensure Stoketown is only using the energy they need. The staff cuts down on waste by using compostable take out containers, spoons and Haystraws, and by using their coffee grounds for body scrubs available for purchase. All of Stoketown’s organic waste is donated to a local hobby farmer and their excess coffee grounds are available for the public to use for their gardens. Stop by Stoketown and grab a beverage you can feel good about! Environment Lethbridge is stoked to have The Stoketown Cafe + Cure participate in the Small Business Energy Efficiency program to perk up their sustainability practices and earn themselves a Superstar Level Sustainable Business Certification!


Tecconnect has a high-efficiency HVAC system, all LED lights, and occupancy sensors in the kitchen and boardroom. They are in the process of implementing a green initiative to include in the business models of all the participants of their business incubator program. All these practices have earned them a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification!



The Movie Mill

The Movie Mill has switched to recycled paper towel and napkins, and are in the process of switching out all their light fixtures to LED! They have low-flow water fixtures in the washrooms, and tickets are paperless if bought online! Congratulations to The Movie Mill for achieving a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification!




Theoretically Brewing Company

Theoretically Brewing Co. has demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by switching from fluorescent lighting to LEDs in their tasting area and outdoors, an upgrade which has saved them $200 per month, and paid itself off in less than one month! Now that is something we can say cheers to! Motion sensor timers were also installed in their washrooms and fluorescent lights are being changed to LED tube lights on their brew floor. New energy efficient windows and a high efficiency HVAC unit were installed along with a programmable thermostat. The staff is also focused, as a team, on better “turn-off behaviour.” All of these small changes add up to big savings on energy and money! 

Theoretically Brewing Co. also sends all of their considerable organic waste, around 1000 kg per week, to be composted, cutting back large amounts that would otherwise end up in the landfill. 

If you’ve ever been to an event at Theoretically Brewing Co. you may have noticed that when they don’t have enough glasses for everyone, they use compostable cups, and they have an in-house bottle refill program as well! With all of these upgrades it is safe to say you can feel good about enjoying a cold one at Theoretically Brewing Co.!



VRKADE isn’t playing games when it comes to being a sustainable business. The team at the virtually paperless virtual reality arcade demonstrate excellent “turn-off behaviour” of their electronics and lighting when they are not needed. VRKade has a recycling program for cardboard, plastics, and returnables and only use paper products that are all forest friendly or recycled. Reclaimed wood was used for all of their benches, shelves, and their front desk and they cut back on water waste by providing a water cooler for staff and gamers! VRKade has teamed up with Environment Lethbridge to level-up their sustainability. Through their participation in the Small Business Energy Efficiency Program, they have achieved a Silver Level Sustainable Business Certification!




The YWCA Lethbridge & District has been making energy efficiency upgrades to their building, including LED lighting, a high efficiency air conditioner and air handling unit, low flow water fixtures in their newly renovated washrooms, and they have had rooftop solar since before it was trendy! Congratulations on achieving a Gold Level Sustainable Business Certification!