Where O’Where Does Our Glassware Go?

Posted in: Dear Mabel | 0

Dear Mabel,  I’m collecting my glass jars. Does the recycling depot on the south side by the Enmax have a bin for glass? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Glass Jar Gatherer,  Great work on making sure those glass jars stay out of your … Continued

Concerned Composter

Posted in: Dear Mabel | 0

Dear Mabel,  I would like to start composting but i don’t have a garden (or the space for one). Is there a place/person/organization in Lethbridge that would like extra compost? ———————————————————————————————————— Hello Concerned Composter,  What a great question! I’m sure … Continued

Green minds ride a bike

Posted in: Dear Mabel, ELNews | 0

Hi Mabel, This year we have been part of the Homeschool Natural Leader’s Project at Helen Schuler Nature Centre.  During our time there, we have learned so much on waste, resources, and technology. As part of our class, our family … Continued

What’s That Sound?

Posted in: Dear Mabel, ELNews | 3

Dear Mabel, I actually found the Environment Lethbridge website while researching air quality for Lethbridge. Being a green queen from way back, I think it’s great to have a public organization that dedicates itself to sustainability. However, I was wondering … Continued