IMG_0391What’s Your Green Idea?

We want to hear your ideas! Let us know ways you think Lethbridge could become more sustainable. Big and small ideas are welcome – do you have tips to save water, improve recycling or conserve energy? Share your ideas to make Lethbridge a more sustainable community or scroll down to read ideas that others have submitted.


Click here to submit your green idea online.






Green Idea #22: Take in some environmental discussions at Lethbridge Public Library. Partnered with Alberta Parks and Pincher Creek Library, this takes place on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

Green Idea #21: Curbside recycling AND compost pickup!

Green Idea #20: Eliminate taxes and fees on green projects ie. solar panels, electric vehicles, etc.

Green Idea #19: Every new home should have a cistern. It is unwise to be flushing with potable water.

Green Idea #18: Every new home should have geothermal.

Green Idea #17: Go solar!

Green Idea #16: Bike everywhere!

Green Idea #15: Quit buying bottled water.

Green Idea #14: Don’t waste paper a lot.

Green Idea #13: Plant carrots at home.

Green Idea #12: Sell a Lethbridge Thermos to cut down on paper cups. Maybe see if coffee shops will partner and offer discounts to thermos holders.

Green Idea #11: Lethbridge would be a great community to lead the way in the tiny house movement. Let’s put Lethbridge on the map by starting a pilot program of a small community of tiny houses which otherwise have no legal way to exist in towns/cities. We could house four or more families within the footprint most lots take up.

Green Idea #10: Use some of the public green space for food production (gardens) with the food helping homeless, donated to food banks, sold in a market to fund the program, used to educate school children about where food comes from, etc.

Green Idea #9: Create a small scale organic farm as a way to employ the homeless in Lethbridge and help raise awareness on organic gardening.

Green Idea #8: Bike sharing program downtown and nearby areas. Great way to get around and encourage less cars in the core.

Green Idea #7: Reduce packaging as much as we can.

Green Idea #6: We need a carrying capacity study and public consultation process to determine what a sustainable human population would be for Lethbridge.

Green Idea #5: Ban outdoor wood burning and new installations of wood burning appliances.

Green Idea #4: Curbside recycling!

Green Idea #3: Find a way to reduce excessive packaging of things we buy.

Green Idea #2: Start a community garden on the Westside of Lethbridge.

Green Idea #1: When you shower, place a bucket with you and the water that collects when you shower is enough to flush the toilet once.