Join the Living Cities Project

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We’re excited to announce the launch of a new project to help make Lethbridge a greener city. Coming in 2023, the Living Cities Project will give youth (aged 18-25) the opportunity to design and implement hands-on projects related to water conservation and green infrastructure. The focus of the program is on mentorship and leadership and will help the participants develop skills related to project management and working with the local community.

What is Green Infrastructure?

Green infrastructure (GI) captures rain where it falls and mimics natural hydrological processes and uses natural elements such as soil and plants to turn rainfall into a resource rather than waste. 

  • vegetated rooftops and walls
  • rain gardens & rain barrels
  • bioswales
  • and other measures that capture, filter and reduce stormwater and offers a wide range of social, ecological, and economic benefits.

Project Timeline:

This project will run from approximately January 2023 to October 2023 with monthly half day workshops. These workshops will include topics such as:

  • GI project planning
  • Indigenous perspectives
  • Native plants
  • environmental equity
  • budget planning
  • guest speakers
  • site tours
  • presentation planning
  • community building

This project is an amazing opportunity for youth to gain knowledge and skills with a local impact. 

