Environment Lethbridge will have a booth at the downtown Lethbridge farmers’ market on August 26th, and at the west side farmers’ market on August 27th. We’ll be promoting our organization, but more importantly, the community events coming up over the next month.
First, there’s AppleFest! 2015, held by Lethbridge Sustainable Living Association at the Galt Gardens. Bring apples to have them pressed into refreshing cider! For more info, check out their web site.
Secondly, the 2015 Reuse Rendezvous weekend is coming up, September 11, 12 and 13! We’re very excited to take a leading role in promoting this event. The Reuse Rendezvous encourages our community to share the items they don’t use with their neighbours. For details on last year’s event, check out the City of Lethbridge page. Information on this year’s event will be posted on our web site soon!
Stop by our booth to say hi and to enjoy the wonderful farmers’ markets our city has to offer.
Follow these links for more info on the farmers’ markets: