Community gardens, where community members garden collectively on a single piece of land, are scattered throughout Lethbridge. To support these gardens, Environment Lethbridge hosts the Lethbridge Community Garden Network, which is designed to provide information and support to new and existing gardens.
Growing out of a working group for the City of Lethbridge, the Lethbridge Community Garden Network has five goals: to improve food security, to increase available resources for community gardens, to increase awareness on the benefits of community gardens, to increase the number of people gardening in Lethbridge and to increase the number of “bumping spaces” in neighbourhoods.
There are 8 community gardens in Lethbridge, 4 of which are located on lands owned by the City of Lethbridge. The Community Garden Network is comprised of representatives from Environment Lethbridge, Alberta Health Services, Chinook Food Connect, Lethbridge Sustainable Living Association, and the City of Lethbridge along with members from the Campus Roots Community Garden, the Lethbridge Interfaith Food Bank and the Westminster Neighbourhood Garden.
To connect with other people who are interested in community gardens in Lethbridge, please visit our Facebook group.
Community Gardens in Lethbridge:
Campus Roots Community Garden Association
Westminster Neighbourhood Garden
Legacy Ridge Community Garden
Copperwood Community Garden
Ecole La Verendrye Edible Forest Garden
Lethbridge North Community Garden
Community Garden Resources:
Community Gardens in Lethbridge (brochure)
Growing Food Without a Farm – Tips for getting started on your own garden
Operational Manual for Community Gardens
Annual Calendar for Operational Manual