Continuing the discussion raised in our last post, the Southern Alberta Council for Public Affairs is sponsoring a presentation on organic waste recycling, today from noon to 1:30pm. If you don’t already have plans for lunch, this would be a worthwhile event to attend as SACPA has Kathleen Muretti from the City of Airdrie speaking on the organic waste recycling program already established there. Details are below.
From the SACPA website:
Lethbridge residents could send a lot less garbage to the landfill if a city-wide curbside organics recycling program were to be implemented. Diverting residential food and yard waste from the landfill could save not only valuable landfill space, it could also eliminate much of the methane that organics generate in a landfill.
It is well known that recycling organics is better for the environment in many ways as it turns waste material into new and friendly products of value, with the possibility of also creating biogas capable of generating power. The speaker will explain the challenges Lethbridge residents are likely to face, including costs, while describing the experience she had helping implement Airdrie’s curbside organics recycling program recently.
Speaker: Kathleen Muretti
Kathleen Muretti is Manager of Fleet, Procurement, Accounts Payable, Waste & Recycling and has worked for the City of Airdrie since 2001. Kathleen is an active member of the National Institute Government Purchasing and the Canadian Public Procurement Council serving on the CPPC Board of Directors since 2005. She represents the CPPC sitting on the Board of Directors for the National Council Public Procurement and Contracting (NCPPC).
Kathleen also represents Canada with the Governing Board of Directors of the UPPCC (Universal Public Procurement Certification Council). She has earned a Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB), a Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO), and a Certified Procurement Card Professional (CPCP). Kathleen is a regular speaker, host and commentator at business seminars and conferences.
Moderator: Cheryl Bradley
Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015
Time: Noon – 1:30 PM (30 minutes each for presentation, lunch and Q & A) Location: Country Kitchen Catering (Lower level of The Keg) 1715 Mayor Magrath Dr. S
Cost: $11.00 (includes lunch) or $2.00 (includes coffee/tea at the presentation only)